1 to 12 Month Baby Curriculum Term 4


1 to 12 Month Baby Curriculum Term 4: Discover a nurturing curriculum for babies aged 1-12 months, aligned with ELDA (Early Learning and Development Areas). Focused on sensory exploration, early communication, and motor development, this program fosters growth and bonding through age-appropriate, engaging, and gentle activities.

Social and Emotional Development

  1. Play and Discover – Encouraging problem-solving
  2. Family Times – Recognizing and interacting with family
  3. Friends at Play – Engaging in games with caregivers or peers
  4. Once upon a time – Sharing simple stories
  5. Care and Share – Introducing concepts of sharing and caring
  6. Tiny Helpers – Engaging in simple tasks like cleaning up toys
  7. Dance and Wiggle – Moving to music and dancing
  8. Chatter and Babble – Babbling and early words
  9. Joyful Bouncing – Music and movement
  10. Toy Friends – Encourage babies to nurture their toys



1 to 12 Month Baby Curriculum Term 4: Discover a nurturing curriculum for babies aged 1-12 months, aligned with ELDA (Early Learning and Development Areas). Focused on sensory exploration, early communication, and motor development, this program fosters growth and bonding through age-appropriate, engaging, and gentle activities.

Social and Emotional Development

  1. Play and Discover – Encouraging problem-solving
  2. Family Times – Recognizing and interacting with family
  3. Friends at Play – Engaging in games with caregivers or peers
  4. Once upon a time – Sharing simple stories
  5. Care and Share – Introducing concepts of sharing and caring
  6. Tiny Helpers – Engaging in simple tasks like cleaning up toys
  7. Dance and Wiggle – Moving to music and dancing
  8. Chatter and Babble – Babbling and early words
  9. Joyful Bouncing – Music and movement
  10. Toy Friends – Encourage babies to nurture their toys